lunes, 20 de febrero de 2017

Instructor´s Solutions Manual: Physics for Scientists and Engineers Sixth Edition, Volume On

Instructor´s Solutions Manual: Physics for Scientists and Engineers Sixth Edition, Volume On

El Manual del instructor del libro de física de Serway, todas las respuestas a las preguntas y los problemas (resueltos). I have solution manuals for Physics for Scientists and Engineers, 6th Edition, by Serway & Jewett used in PHYSICS.

These are NOT student solution manuals. These are instructor’s solutions manuals that include answers to all questions and problems, even and odd. They are in PDF format, and are sold this way by the publisher. (I’ve seen versions of these manuals sold that are scans, which are hard to read, and there are some versions that include answers to problems only, but not to the questions. So the versions I have are the best versions that I’ve been able to find.)

Formato: .pdf
Compresión: .rar
Paginas: 1307
Peso: 23.2  MB
Idioma: Ingles

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